The Gerontologist Novoselov Advises to Lead a Healthy Lifestyle

2024-08-30 // LuxePodium
Gerontologist Novoselov advises to lead a healthy lifestyle, emphasizing the importance of physical activity, balanced nutrition, positive emotions, and cognitive reserves.

A gerontologist, a specialist in gerontology, and the chairman of the gerontology section at the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Valery Novoselov, has shared rules that contribute to increasing life expectancy. He stated that the first and foremost step is to give up harmful habits.

As mentioned by Novoselov, it is important to lead a healthy lifestyle, which includes an adequate level of physical activity and a balanced diet. In addition, positive emotions and cognitive reserves are necessary factors in promoting longevity.

The increasing number of people suffering from obesity was also mentioned. It was noted that this is happening due to a decrease in physical activity.

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