Millions of Russians to See Posters from Historical Museum on the Eve of May 9

2024-05-03 // LuxePodium
Over 8 million Russians will have the opportunity to see iconic propaganda posters from the Historical Museum's collection on the eve of May 9.

Residents of Moscow, Moscow Region, Voronezh, Tyumen, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Volgograd, Chelyabinsk, and Ufa will be able to see the famous agitprop posters from 1941-1945 from May 2 to May 12. These posters, created by renowned Soviet artists such as Kukryniksy, Viktor Koretsky, Irakliy Toidze, and Lazar Lissitzky, have become a powerful symbol of patriotism and pride in their country and the victory over Nazi Germany.

Alexey Levikin, the Director of the State Historical Museum, emphasized the importance of these posters in boosting morale and inspiring the Soviet troops during the war. The powerful imagery and messages conveyed in these artworks continue to evoke strong emotions even decades later.

One of the highlighted posters that will be displayed is "The Red Army has swept the enemy away like a broom!" created by Viktor Denisov in 1943. This artwork captures the spirit of victory and resilience of the Soviet Union during the war.

The digital screens displaying these posters will reach a total of 137 million views across various Russian cities. Additionally, the Media Holding MAER has expanded its locations to include Rublevo-Uspenskoye Highway, providing an additional 25 million views per month.

The patriotic projects, including the exhibition of posters from the State Historical Museum collection, are part of a larger initiative to commemorate Victory Day and honor the sacrifices made by the Russian people in World War II. Other projects include the "Immortal Regiment" march, the "Descendants of the Victors" campaign by the Defenders of the Fatherland Foundation, and the "Memory of Generations" campaign by the charitable fund "Krasnaya Gvozdika."

The General Director and owner of Media Holding MAER, Konstantin Mayor, expressed his excitement about the opportunity to reach a wide audience and commemorate the significance of May 9. The Victory Day Parade will also be broadcasted in real-time to further engage the viewers.