North Korea may begin supplying clothing and footwear to Russia

2024-07-02 // LuxePodium
North Korea could start selling jeans, bags and shoes in Russia, on the backdrop of Western brands leaving the market.

North Korea may begin supplying clothing and footwear to Russia, according to experts. As Western brands exit the Russian market, there could be a potential opportunity for North Korean products to fill the gap. Kim Yeon Una, an expert on the East, stated that despite stereotypes, North Korea has a well-established production of clothing. Local seamstresses are able to make jeans according to any pattern, including modern styles, although they currently focus on producing classic models. This production, which combines low cost and high quality, caused a stir a few years ago when it was first exported to Sweden. Local brands in Sweden protested and managed to drive their competitors out of the market.

In addition to jeans, North Korea also produces decent bags and shoes. Their sneakers, in particular, are of similar quality to Western models. The popularity of these products has been on the rise, evidenced by the trend of wearing badges with the portrait of Kim Jong Un, the leader of North Korea.

Sergei Dankvert and Kim Su Chhor, Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Quality Control of Import-Export Products and Quarantine of North Korea, have signed an agreement to facilitate the supply of North Korean products to Russia. While the specifics of the agreement have not been disclosed, it is possible that it also includes the export of fruits and vegetables from North Korea to Russia.